Adam wins first Power of Veto of season as pressure mounts to drop Sam

 Adam wins first Power of Veto of season as pressure mounts to drop Sam

Adam is making a name for himself just one week into Big Brother Canada Season 7 but it could come back and bite him.

Wednesday’s episode picks up following Dane’s nominations of Maki and Kyra. Dane feels confident that Kyra will go but he also has a backdoor plan in mind to take out Adam’s girl Sam because she is distracting him from “The Pretty Boy” alliance.

Kiera and Stef seem to agree in a talk about their new alliance, called Young Blood. They both want Adam out as well and say he is coming across arrogant and has a bad attitude. Elsewhere, Kyra talks about Dane nominating them. They feel Dane used their emotions as an excuse but they said they’re not emotional players.

Big Brother announces a twist before the PoV competition, saying the HoH will not play in the veto comps this season. However, a tweet from executive producer Trevor Boris confirmed this twist will last until the final five.

This week’s competition involved the houseguests needing to fill up their buckets with “syrup” by going on a log from one side to another. Adam, Chelsea, and Anthony joined Kyra and Maki in the competition. It was a nail-biting finish but Adam narrowly beat out Maki, giving him his second win of the season.

Dane and Sam get into a heated discussion after Adam lied about Sam being a backdoor target. She confronts Dane and says she knows he was thinking about backdooring her. Later after a mini argument, Adam and Sam agree to cool it with the PDA.

At the veto meeting, Adam decides to not use the Power of Veto. This means either Kyra or Maki will be the second houseguest to be evicted.

Who will be evicted from BBCAN HQ? Kyra or Maki? Find out Thursday night at 9 pm ET on Global in Big Brother Canada’s second eviction of the season with host Arisa Cox. 

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