First houseguest secures their spot in the final 3 as the penultimate HoH is crowned
As Season 12 of Big Brother Canada draws to a close, it has never been more important to hold power in the house. Winning the penultimate HoH contest of the season secures the houseguest a spot in the final 3 and with the opportunity to play in the next HoH to secure a spot in final 2.
The HoH comp this week is a Big Brother classic. houseguests took it in turn to answer before or after questions regarding events in the house. The comp played out as follows:
Todd, Bayleigh, and Lexus were asked questions about whether an event from the season happened before or after. As outgoing HoH, Anthony was not eligible to compete. The comp played out as follows:
Round 1: Lexus and Bayleigh earned a point.
Round 2: Everyone got it right.
Round 3: Everyone got it right.
Round 4: Lexus earned a point.
Round 5: Everyone got it right.
Round 6: Bayleigh and Todd earned a point.
After 6 rounds it came down to a tie between Lexus and Bayleigh.
Bayleigh won the tie-breaking question by not going over the correct answer.
Bayleigh was therefore crowned the penultimate HoH, securing her spot in the final 3 on finale night.
With so few people to chose from, Bayleigh had to make some tough choices when it came to who to put on the block.
At the nomination ceremony, Bayleigh nominated Lexus and Todd. But of course. it’s the all important Power of Veto which will this week decide who holds all the power when it comes to eviction night!
Tune in to Big Brother Canada on Global and stick with Big Blagger to find out who wins the veto and whether it is used to save either Lexus or Todd from eviction.