Victoria crowned invisible HoH, nominates Austin and Breydon

Invisible she may be, but her actions are certainly going to impact the house. Victoria was named the latest HoH after clutching victory in the latest Head of Household competition. The comp involved counting rocks dropping off a conveyor belt. Each time another rock fell, houseguests had to push the button they were holding to count them. The houseguest with the total count closest to the correct number was to be named the winner and the new *invisible* HoH,
Over 680 rocks fell meaning Victoria and Tera were closest with both having clicked 688 times so it went to a tiebreak question; how many minutes have past between the first and last rock falling in the competition? Victoria guessed 42 minutes when in reality it was actually 41 minutes, therefore securing her second HoH win of the season.
Upon learning of her win, Victoria anonymously named Austin and Breydon as her nominees to face eviction this week. But will they stay on the block? Who will win the PoV and will it be used to save either Austin or Breydon from eviction? Stick with Big Blagger for the latest!