Kevin crowned Big Brother Canada Season 10 winner

Last night, the curtain finally fell on what has been another epic season of Big Brother Canada, after super-fan Kevin was crowned the season 10 champion following an 8-1 jury vote, taking home the $100,000 grand prize.
The evening opened with the customary brilliantly edited highlights from the last 10 weeks in the BBCAN house.
Arisa introduced the first part of the final HoH competition which saw the remaining 3 houseguests stack disks 2 at a time a top a golden sceptre whilst traversing various obstacles back and forth. The first houseguest to successfully stack 26 disks and complete the course, finally depositing the sceptre in their holder would be crowned the winner and would advance to stage 3 of the final HoH comp. If any disks fell, houseguests would have to return to the beginning and start their stack all over again. After over an hour and many restarts, Kevin emerged victorious, advancing to part 3 of the final HoH comp.
Part 2 saw Betty and Josh battle it out to land bean bags on various shelves corresponding to answers about their time in the house this season. They then had to slide down and hit their buzzer to check their answer. Answer correctly and you advance to the next question, get it wrong, and the board resets and you have to start all over again. The houseguest to answer all questions successfully in the fastest time advanced to the final part of the competition. Josh scored a winning time of 34 minutes to narrowly beat Betty’s 2 hours, and advanced to the final part of the 3 part HoH comp, to go head to head with Kevin for a guaranteed final 2 spot.
In Part 3, Kevin and Josh went head to head answering either A or B to questions about the jury set by host Arisa Cox. The final HoH would be the person with the most correct answers after 7 questions. At the end of the questions, both houseguests were tied on 6 points. Arisa asked one final sudden death question which both answered correctly, leading to a final tie breaker in which they were asked how long members of the jury had spent in the house collectively. The winner would be the houseguest who answered closest without going over, if both went over, whoever was closest would be crowned the final HoH of the summer and given the power to decide who they were taking to the final 2 to face the jury. Kevin went over and Josh went under, leaving Josh as the winner of the final HoH competition.
At this point, things weren’t looking great for Kevin – as Josh seemed poised to evict him at the final hurdle, presumably taking Betty to final 3. But in a last minute twist that no one saw coming, Josh chose to cut his ride or die and take Kevin to the final 2 to face the jury, a decision that was to cost him dearly.
Following the questions from the jury and final speeches, the jurors cast their votes one by one. Arisa cast the vote on behalf of BBCAN viewers.
In the final vote, 5 votes were required to take the prize, Arisa revealed 5 votes in a row for Kevin who became the winner of BBCAN Season 10, the first houseguest in the history of the show in Canada to win without having won a single HoH comp.
Arisa later revealed, Kevin had won by 8 votes to 1, with only Betty voting for Josh to win, despite his last minute act of betrayal.
To round of the evening, Arisa revealed that Marty has won Canada’s favourite houseguest and would be taking home $10,000.
And with that, another fantastic season is done and dusted. Thank you so much to everyone who’s followed the drama along with us as it all unfolded before our eyes.
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