Kyle Moore Evicted from the Big Brother House

Kyle Moore has become the latest houseguest to be sent packing from the Big Brother Canada house in a 7-1 vote.
This week, Head of Household Kiefer Collison came in for the house’s power duos, sending Alberta’s Kyle Moore out the door.
Targeting the “Showtime bros” Kyle and Rohan Kapoor, Kiefer’s plans were temporarily foiled by Rohan’s last gasp for safety, winning this week’s POV competition. Taking himself off the block, Rohan forced Kiefer to name a replacement, putting Newmarket’s Austin Dookwah on the block as a pawn. As the sole vote to keep his number one in the house, Rosho is now solo, as Kyle was evicted by a 7-to-1 vote.
“It was really tough at first, to go campaign against someone like Austin who I had a great connection with,” said Kyle. “You know, I tried to fight to save myself and it just wasn’t in the cards.”
Last week’s Head of Household competition came down to a tiebreaker between Sunsetter Kiefer and Oddball Austin. While both houseguests vowed to keep the other safe, in the end, Kiefer came out victorious, sending duo Rohan and Kyle on the block.
After two weeks straight on slop, Rohan’s luck turned as he not only won Canada’s vote to Skip the Slop but also secured his fate in the game by blowing past Kiefer’s ally Jedson Tavernier to win the coveted Power of Veto, taking himself off the block.
With promises broken left, right and centre, houseguests suggested Spicy V as a backdoor option, but Kiefer listened to his fellow Sunsetters and nominated major threat Austin as the replacement. With his heart set on making a big move by targeting the duos, Kiefer executed his plan and sent Kyle out the door.
This week’s live eviction also concluded with a #BBCAN first: an invisible Head of Household competition where the winner and their powers will remain anonymous for the week.
The Invisible Head of Household competition tasked the houseguests with keeping count of falling rocks with the player guessing the closest number without going over becoming the new – and secret – HOH.
This winner will hold all of the power and will nominate two targets for elimination secretly, be eligible to play in the POV competition, and play in next week’s HOH comp. It has never been a better time to be invisible in the Big Brother Canada house!