Rohan wins Power of Veto, Kiefer names replacement nominee

With power duo, Rohan and Kyle on the block – this weeks PoV was always going to be a hotly contested showdown. Beth, Jedson and Austin were chosen to play alongside Rohan and Kyle in the PoV comp.
For this comp, houseguests were dressed as moles and had to blow their coloured ball through a maze. The first to sink all their balls in the tube at the end of the course would win the Power of Veto. It was a tight race between Jedson and Rohan with the nominated houseguest eventually coming out on top, and winning the PoV.
At the PoV ceremony, as expected, Rohan chose to save himself from the block. Kiefer then had to pick a replacement nominee, ultimately settling on Austin who have previously used him as a pawn during the first week of the competition.
Who will be evicted; Kyle or Austin? Stick with Big Blagger for the latest!