PoV used and replacement nominee named

It’s been a… messy… week in the BBCAN house, and that’s putting it mildly! Monday saw current HoH Kyle nominate 2 of his allies for eviction.
Last night’s Veto comp saw the houseguests take part in Bee Hive 2.0, with a new take on a Season 1 comp.
The Veto pick saw Gino, Josh and Betty chosen to play alongside Stephanie and Moose.
There were 3 parts to the comp, first competing houseguest had to complete a puzzle, they then had to “find their balls”, before then guiding said balls to key places on a moveable puzzle. The first to correct seat all of their balls would win the Power of Veto.
Moose solved his puzzle first, with Josh taking an early lead in the final part. It became a battle between Josh and Moose, and ultimately, Moose emerged as the winner of the Power of Veto.
At the Veto ceremony, Moose used the Veto to save himself, forcing Kyle to name a replacement nominee. Despite having informed Betty for a 2nd time that she would be going on the block, Kyle threw out another curve ball an nominated Josh in his place, setting in motion a potential blindside in tonight’s eviction!
Who will be evicted and who will rise to power as the next HoH? Tune in tonight at 8PM EST on Global and stick with Big Blagger for the latest.