One houseguest returns and a new HoH is crowned

BBCAN returned last night to finally reveal who won the battle back and returned to the house and who was sent on their way to the jury house.
Following last week’s fake double eviction, Tera and Jed faced off in a head-to-head challenge for a chance to win their way back into the house. Each houseguest had to roll 3 balls to the top of a ledge without rolling them off the end. The first houseguest to manage all 3 would return to the house immediately with the losing houseguest sent off to the jury house. Tera ultimately emerged victorious and immediately re-joined the four remaining houseguests in the Big Brother Canada house and Jedson officially became the season’s fourth jury member. Speaking to Arisa following his defeat Jed said: |
”I made it this far by playing true to myself and never wavering from that,” said Jedson. “But I think to ultimately get to the end, you’re going to have to be cut-throat, you’re going to have to betray people, you’re going to have to lie and deceive, and those are just things that I find hard to do.”
As the doors to the backyard finally opened, the houseguests were shocked to see Tera, their most recent target, standing there in a victorious moment after defeating comp-beast Jed.
There was little time to waste as the houseguests still needed to crown a new Head of Household. In a memory game that saw the houseguests placing bets on their own knowledge, Breydon clinched his first HOH of the season following a 2 way tie after 7 questions, where he correctly answered the number of apples stacked in a veto competition played earlier in the season.
Who will Breydon nominate for eviction, who will win the Power of Veto and will it be used? Stick with Big Blagger for the latest.