Kaela wins HoH and begins her rein of chaos

There’s a new female in charge of the Big Brother Canada house and her reign as Head of Household is already causing chaos.
Monday’s episode saw the latest Head of Household competition play out. At the end of it all, Kaela Grant outlasted the other houseguests to take her place in the HoH room – literally.
As Hamza did in his HoH reign, Kaela played things close to the chest, revealing little about her nomination plans to the rest of her fellow houseguests. In the Diary Room, she told Big Brother she wants to cause as much chaos as possible.
Meanwhile, due to Derek’s immunity win in the HoH comp, he is safe for the week. Not that Kaela would ever put up him up anyway. She seemed to waver from her agreement with Will Kenny about not putting him up despite promising him safety if he took the phone call from his son.
Kaela told Maddy Poplett that she was highly considering nominating her, causing Maddy to go into a meltdown. Paras would go back into the HoH room to try and deflect the target onto Ryan Ballantine. Paras told her that it was Ryan who was targeting Daela last week but in reality, it was a lie. In fact, it was Maddy who began the conversation to get Daela out.
In the end, Kaela believed Paras’ words and nominated Ryan and Will for eviction. She made it clear that Will was the pawn and Ryan was the real target for being a liar, manipulator, and untrustworthy.
“Wait until you watch back at home kid,” Ryan said in response to her speech.
Big Brother Canada continues Wednesday at 7 p.m. ET/PT on Global with the Power of Veto competition. If you don’t want to wait, head over to our spoilers page to see who won the PoV and if it was used.