Jedson wins the power of Veto

This week, Victoria is head of household and there have been plenty of fireworks going off inside the Big Brother Canada house.
It all started when Latoya came up with a plan to try and flip last weeks eviction vote and send Rohan packing from the house. The plan ultimately failed as Latoya couldn’t gain the support of all of the sunsetters.
After hearing of the plan, Kiefer tried to blame HoH Victoria for the flip vote – unbeknown to him however, Victoria had already told Rohan and Kyle that it was in fact her who managed to stop the flip from happening.
As a result, Kiefer found himself with a massive target on his back and was put on the block alongside Latoya during Monday’s nomination ceremony.
Following the nomination ceremony, a heated row takes place between Latoya, Kyle, Rohan and Kiefer about the flip vote.
For this weeks crucial Power of Veto competition, the houseguests need to solve a giant crossword puzzle. The first houseguest to complete the puzzle would win the Veto and the chance to save a houseguest from the block.
Jedson, Austin and Tychon were picked to play alongside nominees Latoya and Kiefer.
Jedson dominated the comp pretty early and went on to win the Veto much to the delight of Latoya who assumed she would now be safe from eviction.
Not happy with the result, Victoria unleashed a plan to try and stop Jedson from using the Veto and leaving the nominations the same so that she could get Latoya out of the house this week.
Her plan was to tell Jedson that her target is Kiefer and that she needs a strong pawn on the block in the form of Latoya – when infact Latoya is the actual target.
Victoria tells Jedson that if he does use the Veto then she would have no choice but to nominate his strongest allies Tychon or Beth for eviction in the hope that he won’t use the Veto.
Will Jedson use the Power of Veto? Find out during the live eviction show, Thursday on Global.