Houseguests play for the Power of Veto and a secret veto is unleashed

It was another action packed episode last night when houseguests once again took part in the Power of Veto competition to determine whether or not it would be full steam ahead for Gino’s backdoor plan.
Before the comp, houseguest spun to determine who would compete in this weeks veto comp. Moose spun Houseguest Choice and chose Josh. Summer also spun Houseguest Choice and chose Jacey-Lynn. Gino spun and chose Haleena as the final player for this weeks veto comp.
This weeks comp involved houseguests racing against each other to fill their super soakers, traverse a balance beam before blasting all the plaque pieces of the model teeth. Once they successfully removed all pieces from their model, they then had to return to the start and build a floating puzzle, which took the shape of a giant tooth. The first to successfully float their completed puzzle would win the Power of Veto.
Much to the annoyance of Gino and everyone involved in the Marty backdoor plan. Haleena won the power of veto.
However, that was not the only veto in play this week. The episode showed houseguests discovering new flower arrangements that had been placed in the house. On further investigation, Jacey-Lynn found a piece of paper hidden in one of the flowers with a phone number written on it. She chose her moment, and snuck off to the phone room to dial the number. She was contacted to Big Brother who revealed that there were 3 doors hiding 3 separate keys which had been unlocked. In order to proceed to the next stage of the secret veto challenge, she had to retrieve all 3 keys without being rumbled, or risk loosing the secret power forever.
After successfully, retrieving the keys, Big Brother told Jacey-Lynn to go to a secret room hidden behind door 11. There, Arisa explained to Jacey-Lynn that she would have 5 minutes to use her 3 keys to unlock puzzle pieces and solve a puzzle on the desk in front of her before time runs out to secure the secret power of veto.
With mere seconds to spare, Jacey-Lynn completed the puzzle, therefore receiving a secret second power of veto. Arisa, returned to let her know that it was only good for this week and could be used at the veto ceremony, even after the first veto had been used. Before leaving the room, Jacey-Lynn was told that she couldn’t reveal her secret power to anyone unless she intended to use it at the veto meeting, otherwise she would be immediately evicted.
At the veto meeting, Haleena chose to keep Gino’s nominations the same. She was then called to the Diary Room and given an envelope to read to the group. This revealed that there was a secret veto in play, and that if the holder wanted to use it they should do so now.
Jacey-Lynn decided not to use her secret power of veto.
That means either Moose or Summer will become the next jury member later this evening. Who will be evicted and who will become the next Head of Household? Tune in to Global and stick with Big Blagger for the latest.