Cory Kennedy evicted from the Big Brother Canada house

Last night, in a Big Brother Canada first, the houseguests voted to evict one of three nominees: Damien Ketlo, Estefania Hoyos and Cory Kennedy.
After the POV ceremony, Damien and Estefania found themselves on the block. But when Adam Pike discovered the Archive Room’s hidden Secret Assassin power, he decided now was the time to take a shot at Cory.
“I’m so sorry I let you down Canada,” said Canada’s chosen asset Cory Kennedy. “This experience has been a whirlwind, but I wouldn’t change anything, not one moment.”
Nominated by Head of Household Mark Drelich, Damien and Adam were nominated for eviction earlier in the week.
To hide the truth about their alliance, Adam vowed to go after Mark during the nomination ceremony. In the end, Adam won the POV and took himself off the block.
But when Mark decided to side with Anthony choosing not to nominate Cory as the replacement nominee, the cracks in the Pretty Boys alliance started to show. But the plan to backdoor Cory was not over as Adam finally discovered the secret behind the Archive Room which has left the agents confused, consumed and confounded all season long.
Hidden within the room was a Secret Assassin power that allowed the holder to secretly nominate a third houseguest. With the Secret Assassin unleashed, Adam aimed for his target Cory and made sure not to miss.
During the eviction vote, the houseguests voted as follows:
Anthony voted to evict Este
Adam voted to evict Cory
Dane voted to evict Cory
Kyra voted to evict Cory
Cory, with 3 votes was therefore evicted from the Big Brother Canada house and became the second member of Jury.
In her eviction interview, Cory tells host Arisa Cox that her time in the house was a “whirlwind” but that she wouldn’t change anything. She also says she’s rooting for “her boy” Anthony to take home the win, though that might change after Adam reveals in his goodbye message that he’s been working with her closest ally since Day 1.