The final 4 is revealed as another houseguest heads to jury

The final 4 houseguests were revealed last night during the live eviction episode which saw another houseguest sent to jury.
It was a déjà vu in the house this week when Beth was nominated by Breydon alongside Tera Gillen-Petrozzi for the second time in a row. Beth had high hopes of winning the Power of Veto and pulling herself off the block to secure a coveted spot in the final four, but Breydon had other plans when he won the POV and chose not to use it.
Beth was evicted from the house in a vote of 2-0, becoming the season’s fifth jury member.

“What kind of roller coaster have I been on?” said Beth. “Oh my gosh! These past two weeks have been up and down. Someone’s runnin’ me over, backin’ all over me, I don’t even know what’s been happening.”
In a week of sheer domination, social butterfly Breydon held all the power. After winning HOH in Monday night’s episode, he solidified his place in the final four and chose to ride it out with the guys, nominating the remaining female houseguests, Beth and Tera, for eviction.
In the “On Tilt” endurance POV competition, Breydon pulled off his second Veto win, choosing not to use it and keeping the nominations the same. With their backs against the wall, Tera and Beth campaigned hard, but HOH Breydon wasn’t going to miss another opportunity to take his shot at major threat Beth. With only two houseguests voting in tonight’s eviction ceremony, Beth was sent packing from the Big Brother Canada house in a unanimous vote, making Breydon, Tera, Tychon Carter-Newman and Kiefer Collison season nine’s final four.

Thursday’s episode concluded with the beginning of the Head of Household competition, “Buzzer Beater.” The whiz on the buzzer becomes the new HOH and guarantees their spot in the final three, which will be revealed in Monday night’s episode at 9 p.m.
The live feeds will shut down for the remainder of the season on Saturday, May 1st at 1 p.m. ET.