New look BBCAN House unveiled

Just days ahead of a brand new season, Global has lifted the lid on the *not quite* brand new BBCAN house!
The comic book doors remain from last year but now bear the headline “Who will rewrite history?”.
Overgrown stairs lead down to the kitchen and the large seating area.
The all seeing eye continues to watch over the houseguests above the exit/entrance to the backyard.
The bathroom and the bedrooms for the houseguests have been given a lick of paint. It’s out with the comic book superheroes and in with the team names – looks likes houseguests will be split into team dorms.
The diary room looks pretty familiar, but there’s considerably more overgrowth!
The Expedia room makes a return with some vibrant new colours.
It doesn’t look like the have-nots will be getting much sleep in their new ball pit but they sure will be having fun!
Looks like they splurged all the money on the ball pool as the HoH room from last year is back!
And finally there is the OLG room and the good old pantry (we’re not quite sure what OLG stands for but maybe it has something to do with nominations?)
So there you have it, we’ve got the house and the houseguests, all we need is a sprinkle of the ever fabulous Arisa!
Tune into the brand new season of Big Brother Canada at 7pm ET/PT on March 3rd and keep it locked to Big Blagger for all the latest from the house!