Kyra’s HoH shocker finally ends The Pretty Boys’ reign on Big Brother Canada

After a season of being in power, The Pretty Boys’ reign has finally come to an end with just over a week until the Big Brother Canada Season 7 finale.
Sunday’s episode kicks off with the fallout from the double eviction that saw both Este and Damien be sent packing. With just one HoH away from a perfect game, the Pretty Boys had just Kyra standing in their way.
At the Head of Household competition, the houseguests must correctly answer trivia questions about the season. The HG with the most points at the end of seven questions would win.
The PB’s struggled and with Dane unable to play, he looked furious. Kyra defied the odds and won her first competition at the best time for us viewers and the worst possible time for the guys.
This not only ensured a Pretty Boy would go home but it guaranteed Kyra a spot in the final four.
Adam goes to work butt kissing Kyra to ensure he and Dane are safe for the week. Kyra believes she can beat Mark in the finals and goes on to think about their game moving forward this last or so.
Mark and Anthony get to work to get Kyra to nominate Adam and Dane. Kyra takes Anthony to the Wendy’s date to pick his brain despite their fallout over the last few weeks. Anthony tells them that he wants to make a final two with them but little do they know, he told the same thing to Mark weeks ago.
Prior to their nominations, Kyra says in the DR if they are going to nominate someone it is their choice, not someone else’s.
At the nomination ceremony, Kyra nominates Adam and Dane for eviction. Adam is not happy, saying both Anthony and Mark wanted them out last week. Kyra says they know he loyal to them but Adam is more loyal to Dane instead.
Adam says he is loyal to the four guys, exposing the Pretty Boys. However, Kyra says they know and the entire house knew.
Who will win the Power of Veto? Can Adam or Dane fight their way off the block? Find out when Big Brother Canada continues on Wednesday night at 7 pm ET on Global.