Kiefer wins PoV, replacement nomination named

With Austin winning the first HoH of the season and placing Josh and Kiefer on the block, it was time for the first PoV comp of the season.
Tera and Victoria
were chosen at random to compete in the PoV comp. Josh picked the houseguest choice chip and chose Tina to compete also.
In a twist to the normal rules first introduced in BBCAN Season 7, the HoH doesn’t get to compete in the PoV.
The comp saw each houseguest carry apple to a plinth in a wheel barrow, upon where they then attempted to stack them as high as possible, the player with the highest stack at the end of the alloted time, would win the PoV.
Josh decided to take the unusual tact of stacking his apples before trying to move them. However, ultimately Kiefer ran way in the lead winning the comp with a stack of 31 apples. The rest of the competitors finished as follows:
5th – Tera
4th – Victoria
3rd – Josh & Tina
After much discussion, during which Austin considered both LaToya, despite her deal during the HoH, and Jedson, she ultimately decided to name Rohan as the replacement after Kiefer used the veto to save himself from the block.
Who will be the second evictee from the house? Tune in tonight at 8pm PT/ET on Global TV to find out and stick with Big Blagger for the latest!