Kailyn Archer goes out with a bang in third Big Brother Canada eviction

Psychic Kailyn Archer became the third houseguest to be evicted from BBCAN HQ on Thursday night and she would go out with an almighty bang.
The episode kicks off following the shocking veto meeting that saw Chelsea nominate Kailyn aka Mama K as the replacement nominee. Knowing she needs to rally votes, Mama K gets to work talking to Cory about how she will go after Adam, Chelsea, and Sam. Cory goes right to that group and tells them exactly what Kailyn had told her.
Knowing she was likely going home, Kailyn called everyone to the bedroom apart from Sam, Chelsea, and Adam. She revealed to the houseguests her real age of 42 and she is a mother of four. She also warned them about Sam and Adam making a final two deal and to not trust Chelsea.
Adam, Sam, and Chelsea realize there was a house meeting of sorts and Dane quickly fills him in on *some* of what was said. He told them about Kailyn warning them about Sam and Chelsea but failed to say his name was also mentioned as well. Sam overhears this conversation and goes to tell Chelsea that Adam and Dane are working together and will target them.
Elsewhere in the episode, Canada chose Damien to get special secret intel about two of his fellow houseguests. After a quick secret mission, he makes his way to Leon’s lounge and picks to see Intel on Sam and Mark but it was basically their profile VTs.
It was finally time for the vote and eviction, Kailyn gives an epic final speech as she planted seeds on her way out about Adam and Chelsea. It was no surprise she would be sent home on a 10-0 vote.
Following her eviction, Kailyn spoke to host Arisa Cox about her time in the house and said she tried hard but just couldn’t connect with the young ones.
“I tried hard, you guys,” she said. “I thought because I watched enough Big Brother that generally, it’s the old person that gets put out first. And I wanted to make a statement to not give up on your dreams, that we can do what we want and we can give those young kids a run for their money.”
It was time to find a new Head of Household with a mental endurance challenge. The houseguests are holding on to their button and will be tempted with prizes and treats. Kyra would be the first out of the competition.
Who will be the new Head of Household and who will be nominated for eviction? Find out when Big Brother Canada continues on Sunday night at 7 pm ET on Global. Be sure to head to our spoilers page for live updates from the house.