Chelsea’s HoH reign begins with the house divided

With a house divided, Chelsea’s HoH reign began in Sunday’s episode of Big Brother Canada but her plan for the week isn’t what it seems.
Sunday’s episode begins with flashbacks of what went down prior to Maki’s eviction. Two hours before the show, Kailyn aka Mama K talked with Eddie, Stef, Kiera, and Damien to vote out Kyra because Dane would break the tie and send Kyra home but she was wrong.
Chelsea won HoH, securing The Pretty Boys and their allies another week of safety. Seriously, this season is slowly turning into BBUS Season 19 that saw Paul and his minions in power for weeks. How boring.
The first Have-not competition of the season took place and it was a BBQ-themed. Houseguests had to find disgusting slop recipes and then eat them in the fastest time. In the end, Anthony, Sam, and Eddie lose and are Have-Nots this week.
The Pretty Boys (plus Chelsea and Kyra) regroup and say they need to get Kailyn out this week. What I’m wondering is, how did Kyra wiggle her way into this alliance out of nowhere? Chelsea tells us in the DR that her plan is to backdoor Kailyn because she is manipulative. Uh, Chels, you have Kyra manipulating you right under your nose.
At the nomination ceremony, Chelsea nominates Kiera and Damien. She gives some reasons but later tells us its all for a show. Her real target is Kailyn and she plans to backdoor her this week.
Who will win the Power of Veto and will it be used to save either Kiera or Damien from eviction? Find out when Big Brother Canada continues on Wednesday night at 7 pm ET on Global. Until then, be sure to head to our spoilers page for the latest updates from BBCAN HQ.