BBCAN9 crowns it’s first Head of Household

Last week during the Big Brother Canada premiere epsiode, host Arisa Cox introduced 14 brand new houseguests to the BBCAN9 house and they were told they would be playing the game in teams to begin with.
Julie Vu ultimately became the first houseguest to be sent packing during Thursday’s eviction episode.
During Monday nights episode, the house took part in the first Head of Household competition of the season.
For the HoH, Team Defender and Team Destiny had to hold onto a bow and arrow to keep some balls balanced.
At random intervals, Big Brother played a sound into the house – when the sound played, the players had to add another ball. The last houseguest to drop all their balls would become the new HoH.
Austin ultimately became the last player standing and was crowned Head of Household.
After holding meetings with various houseguests, it was time for her to make the first nominations of the season at the nominations ceremony.
She nominated Kiefer and Josh for eviction. She told Josh that her reason for nominating him was because he had created chaos in the first week, whilst she told Kiefer that they hadn’t really talked game during their time in the house.
Who will win the Power of Veto? Find out Wednesday at 7pm ET/PT.