Big Brother Canada: The next Head of Household is…

As we get ever closer to the 2 hour final on May 12th, the game is hotting up and there’s a new HoH in town!
Kelsey has become Head of Household, following the double eviction which saw her long time ally and showmance, Jared, evicted.
Following her win in the latest competition, Kelsey wasted no time in forming a game plan, and looked to the brothers for reassurance:
“I don’t know which one I want out yet. You guys promise you will go with the one that I want? You swear?”
This comes after Nick pledged their support stating:
“Decide who your target is and we will follow suit,”
Although Kelsey wasn’t impressed with the Brother’s behaviour during the double eviction:
“I was a little hurt that during the competition I could see him [Phil] making a deal with Cass,” complained Kelsey.
Nick was quick to reassured her:
“I told him I was pissed about that.”
Who will be on the block this week? Stick with Big Blagger!