PoV used to save Ty, replacement nominee named

Ahead of tonight’s Double Eviction, the houseguests once again battled it out to win the PoV.
This weeks comp saw houseguests battle against 5 different temptations if 5 rooms to collect puzzle pieces. Once collected, they then need to assemble their puzzle. The houseguest who completed the puzzle in the fastest town would win the Power of Veto.
The first room involved matching prices to items to win a free outfit. The second room had a letter from home. The third room was a bunch of puppies to play with. The fourth room had $1,000 cash. The final room had a houseguest’s family member with whom they could spend as much time as they wanted.
All competitors struggled to find puzzle pieces. Ultimately Ty managed to edge it, beating Daniel by just 4 seconds.
At the PoV ceremony, Ty used the veto on himself. Renee then chose Kuzie to take his spot on the block. With a double eviction looming, Who will be safe from eviction and who’s at risk of going home?
Tune in to Global TV and Stick with Big Blagger for the latest.