Kayla wins the PoV

Houseguests battled it out for the power of veto once more on last night’s episode. Despite stiff competition, Kayla came out on top and won the PoV.
She was picked to play alongside Dinis and Anthony plus the two nominees; Bayleigh and Elijah.
The Power of Veto Competition was beach-themed. Houseguest had to lie on a chair to hold down a button. If they move and release it, they were out of the competition. On hearing a bell ring, they had to gather pieces and assemble a puzzle. Houseguests only had three minutes before they had to resume layin on the chair to hold their button. This was repeated until someone completed their puzzle.
While waiting to try to assemble their puzzle, Big Brother threw the housguests several distractions, including Big Brother Canada 5’s Karen coming to entertain the houseguests.
In the comp, Dinis and Kayla took an early lead with Bayleigh close behind in third.
Ultimately, Kayla finished first – winning her $5,000 and the Power of Veto.
At the veto ceremony, tensions were running high as houseuguests waited to see what Kayla would do with the veto. Kayla decided to use the PoV to save Bayleigh.
Vivek named Dinis as the replacement nominee.
Who will be evicted? Dinis or Elijah? Tune in to Global and stick with Big Blagger to find out!