Another houseguest evicted and new HoH crowned

This week, Vivek went from being the house target to holding all the power as the Head of Household.
After nominating Bayleigh as his target and Elijah as the pawn, Vivek was thrown for a loop when Kayla won her first POV competition and used it to take fellow “Big Sisters” alliance member Bayleigh off the block.
Forced to name a replacement, Vivek was persuaded to name his supposed ally, Dinis, as the new nominee in a gut-wrenching move. As a true superfan at his core, Dinis campaigned hard, but was eventually sent home by a vote of 9 to 0.
Speaking to host Arisa Cox following his eviction, Dinis said:
“That was a rollercoaster and I’m hoping that you all saw that I did not give up, I could not give up, I did whatever I could to stay. Because I absolutely love this game.”
Following the eviction, the hunt was on for a new Head of Household. In this weeks HOH cokmp, the houseguests were tested on their BBCAN history and Elijah came out victorious, becoming the new HOH.
Who will he nominate for eviction? Tune in to Big Brother Canada on Global and stick with Big Blagger for the latest.