Jury gains 2 new members following classic double eviction

It was a classic double inside the BBCAN Studios as Avery and Tola became the newest members of the BBCAN12 jury. This week saw two-time block star, Tola, go from being BBCAN’s most wanted to the new HOH. Revenge took the spotlight when Tola named Avery as his target for previously trying to evict him, alongside Bayleigh, as his two nominees.
Although many seeds were planted for a potential backdoor plan, POV winner Todd, didn’t use the Veto, and kept the nominees the same. Avery fought tooth and nail, but ultimately her fate was sealed and she was evicted by a vote of 3 to 1, becoming Season 12’s third jury member.
Speaking to host Arisa Cox following her exit, Avery said:
“People were scared of me, my own alliance was scared of me, and if that doesn’t tell you I was a good player, I don’t know what does.”

Immediately following Avery’s exit, Arisa informed the remaining houseguests of the double eviction. Competing in the HOH comp, Victoria Woghiren had the closest answer, becoming the new HOH and nominated Lexus and Tola for eviction. While both competed hard with their games on the line, Todd won his second consecutive Power of Veto competition and chose not to use it.
The votes weren’t in Tola’s favour and he was sent to jury in a unanimous vote of 3 to 0.
Speaking to Arisa following his exit from the house, Tola said:
“I went from the block to the top to take out my number one target, and the next thing you know, Victoria sends me home.”

We’re edging ever closer to that season finale, who will rise to the top and claim power and who will win the all important power of veto? Tune into Big Brother Canada on Global and stick with Big Blagger for the latest!