Invisible PoV winner crowned and another houseguest hits the block

Whodunit week continued on last night’s BBCAN as the houseguests competed for the power to veto on of the secret HoHs nominations.
Hope, Daniel C and Claud were selected to play in the veto alongside Dan and Ty. Before the comp began, Ty tried to make amends with Hope in the “hope” that she would use the veto on him.
At the comp, houseguests took part in Power Heist, where they had to assemble a pole to allow them to disable the lasers, before then blindly stacking exactly 500 pounds weight treasure. In the room were 3 boxes with reference weights which would allow the housemates to better estimate the weight of their treasure. The houseguest who got closest to 500 pounds in 30 minutes won the Power of Veto.
Ty spent a lot of time looking for a key for a reference weight but ultimately gave up with only 5 minute remaining.
Hope finished last, followed by Ty, Dan and Claudia.
Daniel C won by estimating 490 pounds, winning by a considerable margin.
Daniel C chose to tell Hope and Jonathan that he won the PoV.
At the veto ceremony, Daniel C used the veto to save Ty. Secret HoH then named Claudia as his replacement.
Who will be evicted? Watch on Global and stick with Big Blagger for the latest.