Houseguests battle it out in first PoV comp of the season

Following on from Anthony’s nominations, the houseguests went head to head in a battle to win the first Power of Veto of the season.
Before the action got underway, it was time to pick players for the veto competition. Dinis, Tola, and Matt were selected to play alongside the nominees. Bayleigh was chosen to host.
Houseguest had to rummage around in the dark to find puzzle pieces. The first to find all their pieces and correctly assemble the puzzle would win the PoV. It was neck and neck between Dinis and Janine who both hit their buzzers to check their puzzles but both had an incorrect piece. Dinis realised the error of his ways before Janine, allowing him to retrieve the correct piece and hit his buzzer to secure victory as the first Veto holder of the season.
It was then all eyes on Dinis to see what he was going to do with the veto. At the veto ceremony, Dinis decided not to use the power of veto.
That means either Avery or Janine will be heading out those doors in the first eviction of the season.
Stick with Big Blagger for the latest.