Dane wins critical HoH with the Big Brother Canada finale in sight

With the Big Brother Canada finale just days away, every single decision matters and for Dane, the decision was that much greater in Sunday’s show.
The episode picks up with the fallout from Mark’s eviction. He wanted to cause some drama on his way out of the door, so he said told Adam that Dane was the reason Sam was backdoored. Of course, this was all done to protect Anthony in the event he gets to the final three.
This was no doubt the biggest HoH of the season. Anthony sucks at competitions, so this would come down to Adam and Dane. After six rounds, Dane won the Head of Household and secured his place in Thursday’s finale.
Adam cried after losing and told Dane he feels like he is going this week. Dane said they can’t allow Kyra to win the Power of Veto. However, in the DR, Dane says Adam might go this week and Dane needs to talk to Anthony first.
Sara from BBCAN season three returned for the awards ceremony but I’m just going to skip this and get to the nominations.
Anthony told Dane he doesn’t want to go up so he can go all season without getting nominated. Dane then takes Adam to Wendy’s and tells him that he is going on the block.
Later, Dane and Anthony talk about who they should get out this week. Kyra overhears this and is fuming.
At the nominations ceremony, Dane nominated Kyra and Adam for eviction this week.
Who will win the Power of Veto? And who will be evicted? Find out in a special eviction episode on Wednesday night at 7 pm ET on Global with host Arisa Cox.