Chris wins first HoH of the season

Last night’s episode saw 28 year old Chris Wyllie rise to power, as he won the first HoH of the season.
Houseguest were taking in a BB themed basketball shoot out, with the winner being crowned Head of Household and holding *most* (yes the “HoH cant’ play” twist that no one asked for is back) of the power for the week!
One by one, the housemates took it in turn to jump on the trampoline and attempt to get the ball in one of the numbered basketball hoops available to them.
The person who scored highest became HoH for the week, tasked with nominating 2 houseguest for eviction and winning themselves luxury items and exclusive control of and access to the HoH room for the week.
The scores were as follows:
Sheldon – 13
Jamar – 24
John Luke – 23
Minh-Ly – 24
Susanne – 9
Kyle – 13
Carol – 7
Chris – 28
Madeline – 11
Angie – 5
Brooke – 5
Michael – 24
Hira – 20
Rianne – 1
Vanessa – 26
with a high score of 28, Chris was crowned the first HoH of BBCAN8.
Thoughts then quickly turned to nominations. Chris chose to nominate Brooke and Hira.
However, as ever, you can never trust that all is as it seems, with Chris indicating his intentions to backdoor Michael.
Who will win the PoV and control the game for the week? Will Chris succeed in his backdoor plan?
If you can wait to find out, head on over to our spoilers page to see who won the Power of Veto and stick with Big Blagger for the latest.