Big Brother’s Dreaded double eviction sends the first two houseguests to the jury

Big Brother Canada shocked the houseguests with the first DOUBLE eviction of the season last night, with the two evicted houseguests became the first members of the season 9 jury!
The first eviction was a head to head battle between Beth’s target Victoria (Spicy V) and Tera.

Earlier this week, Head of Household Beth Bieda devised a plan with her Sunsetters alliance to backdoor one of the season’s biggest threats, Spicy V.
To set her plan in motion, Beth nominated Tera ‘Mama T’ and Rohan (Roh-show) as pawns, hoping one of them would win the Veto and pull themselves off the block. After a grilling POV competition, Rohan, the Veto King, won a Weber barbecue and his third consecutive Veto, which he used on himself. With Beth’s plan underway,
Victoria went up on the block as the replacement nominee, leading her to campaign hard and wreak havoc on the house. But by playing the middle of the house, Spicy V had the numbers stacked against her and Beth was able to successfully complete the first backdoor eviction of the season.
“I got a little lazy, I started cutting corners and not tying my loose ends and I got caught. I don’t think there’s anything else I could have done,” said Victoria. “I’m so happy I made it to jury, you know I’m a superfan. All good here!”

Immediately following Victoria’s eviction, Arisa informed the houseguests of the double eviction. The remaining houseguests put their memories to the test in the “Before or After” Head of Household trivia competition.
Kiefer prevailed and instantly nominated Rohan and Breydon without batting an eye. With their BBCAN lives on the line, the nominees fought hard in the fast-paced Stone-Cold Veto competition, but it was Tychon Carter-Newman who was able to manoeuvre his way to victory, choosing not to use the Power of Veto, sending Rohan to the jury house in a unanimous vote.

“I was just put in a tough position from the start,” said Rohan. “I tried to do as much as I could. I lost a couple of my really close allies and I was put in a position where I had to win a couple of Vetos to save my game and that’s what I did for as long as I could.”
Watch the drama heat up on Global, Monday at 9 p.m. ET/PT to see who wins the next Head of Household competition. In addition, fans can become flies on the BBCAN wall while streaming the live feeds at