Big Brother Canada Reveals 14 BRAND NEW Houseguests

Global have today revealed the 14 brand new houseguests who will be competing in the upcoming new season of Big Brother Canada.
This season will see the houseguests embark on a journey filled with mind-blowing obstacles and challenges they must conquer with no fear.
The ninth season of Big Brother Canada offers a diverse cast of champions from all walks of life ready to take the stage.
This season’s houseguests include a Newfoundlander with a background in graphic design, a police officer from Ontario, a radio host from British Columbia, a fun-loving farm girl and homeless support worker from Alberta.
This season, for the first time ever, houseguests will be competing in two teams to start the season with Canada choosing the team captains!
Starting today until Saturday, February 27, Canadians can vote as often as they’d like on for the two houseguests that they think should be named the team captains.
On night one, the battle for Season 9 begins as the two chosen captains will each have the power to select teammates for their individual teams.
The captains will be rewarded with safety from eviction for the first week. Watch the voting results play out during the premiere on Wednesday, March 3 at 7 p.m. ET/PT to see which houseguests will lead their team to victory…or defeat.
Meet the 14 houseguests who will be competing for the $100,000 prize below!
Austin Dookah
Age: 23
Hometown: Newmarket, Ont. Occupation: Realtor/Model
About: With brains and beauty, this BBCAN superfan will take out the competition with her knowledge of the game and flirtatious strategy.
Beth Bieda
Age: 27
Hometown: Tomahawk, Alta. Occupation: Homeless Support Worker
About: Beth may be a country girl through and through, but her trauma training, physical strength and mental fortitude will lead her to win.
Breydon White
Age: 23
Hometown: Calgary, Alta. Occupation: Anthropology Student
About: Watch out for this fierce and hardworking competitor who never gives up. Breydon will not only be there to stay, but will be there to slay.
Ethan Quance
Age: 22
Hometown: Banff, Alta. Occupation: Line Cook
About: Although Ethan is easy-going and caring in nature, he also has a wild side. This aspiring firefighter is an extreme athlete who will use his sportsmanship to outplay the houseguests.
Jedson Tavernier
Age: 25
Hometown: Aurora, Ont. Occupation: Personal Trainer
About: This well-rounded ladies’ man is confident he holds the three essential qualities needed to succeed on BBCAN: athleticism, intelligence, and a charming personality.
Josh Farnworth
Age: 30
Hometown: New Westminster, B.C.
Occupation: Film Production Coordinator
About: This authentic and intelligent film production coordinator has no problem stirring up the game.
Julie Vu
Age: 28
Hometown: Vancouver, B.C. Occupation: Social Media Influencer
About: Don’t be fooled by the beauty and glamour, this YouTube star is ready to pull out all the show- stopping moves to become a BBCAN icon.
Kiefer Collison
Age: 31
Hometown: Old Masset, B.C.
Occupation: Radio Host
About: This laid-back radio host and family man may not seem like a threat, but he will use this to his advantage to become the next #BBCAN9 champion.
Latoya Anderson
Age: 34
Hometown: Pickering, Ont.
Occupation: Police Officer
About: This ambitious police officer will make nice with the houseguests and build alliances to make it to the top, all while undercover as a fashion designer.
Rohan Kapoor
Age: 26
Hometown: Toronto, Ont.
Occupation: Strategic Partnerships Manager
About: Confident, athletic, strategic and charming, Rohan has all the elements needed to be a great Big Brother Canada player.
Tera Gillen-Petrozzi
Age: 37
Hometown: LaSalle, Ont.
Occupation: Mom/Spin Instructor
About: This free-spirited married mom of two is ready to show women and moms everywhere that it is never too late to follow her dreams to become the next BBCAN winner.
Tina Thistle
Age: 42
Hometown: Paradise, N.L.
Occupation: Graphic Designer
About: This driven entrepreneur will take on the BBCAN house by being pleasant on the surface, with more than a few tricks up her sleeves.
Tychon Carter-Newman
Age: 28
Hometown: Montreal, Que.
Occupation: Urban Planner
About: Tychon is prepared to charm the houseguests and play his way through the game, straight to finale.
Victoria Woghiren
Age: 27
Hometown: Hamilton, Ont.
Occupation: Youth Advocate
About: Victoria is a competitive risk-taker with super high energy and a solid social game that will ensure victory.
Big Brother Canada Season 9 premieres Wednesday and airs on Global three nights a week Mondays at 9 Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT.
[Update Feb. 26 2021: Following allegations surrounding Ethan’s past conduct, he will no longer be cast in season 9 of Big Brother Canada]