Big Brother Canada donates grand prize to charity

In an emotional farewell episode for Season 8 of Big Brother Canada, Global and Insight Productions revealed tonight that, in light of an early end to production with no winner crowned, this season’s $100,000 grand prize will be donated to charities responding to COVID-19 via
Faced with unprecedented circumstances with regard to COVID-19, production on the season halted early last week under a provincial mandate for all non-essential businesses to close. In the season’s final episode tonight, the 12 remaining houseguests were informed about the decision, leaving them with one final night in the Big Brother Canada house before returning home.
Jointly, Global and Insight Productions conclude their superhero-themed season with an extended thanks to the real heroes of today – the frontline healthcare workers and first responders dedicating themselves to providing healthcare and emergency support during these challenging times.
At this time, Big Brother Canada Season 8 will not resume production at a later date. Stream this season and complete past seasons, along with digital exclusives, at