Big Brother Canada: Cassandra is evicted, leaving 3 houseguests vying for the winners title

And then there were three. Last night on Big Brother Canada, Cassandra Shahinfar from Winnipeg, Manitoba was evicted from the BBCAN GRAND and sent to the jury house, leaving Kelsey, Tim, and the brothers Nick and Phil, entering tonight’s finale as the final three.
As announced last week, Canada will receive a vote in who wins the grand prize and fans can now have their say on Voting closes at 3pm ET. Tonight, fans can catch the final Big Brother Canada Side Show at a special time – 6:30 pm ET on Slice™, followed by the Big Brother Canada two-house season finale at 7pm ET on Global.
“This week was so quick and I didn’t have enough time to plan. There’s only a limited number of people left and they thought I was a bigger threat than Tim,” said Cassandra Shahinfar. “[Tim’s] very smart. He’s won the game and I saw him as a tool and of course I worked with him. It started off as strategy but then we became great friends and it was great to work with him throughout this game. I’m putting my money on Tim.”
After Nick won the HOH competition for the brothers, it was clear their target was Cassandra, who was nominated for eviction alongside Tim. In the Power of Veto challenge where houseguests had to match clues from the season with jury members, Nick retained the brothers’ power for the week, leaving Cassandra and Tim on the block. In a last ditch effort; Cassandra pleaded with Tim to convince Kelsey to evict him instead of her. Although Tim was upset about the near certainty that she would be leaving, he left their fate to Kelsey’s sole vote.
Because of Ramsey’s early departure, the jury house is one person short. As announced last week, Canada will replace that jury vote and tonight, the final three answered the country’s questions as to why they should win Big Brother Canada.