With a new Head of Household comes two new nominees

On last night’s episode of Big Brother Canada, the houseguests battled it out in the second Head of Household competition of the season, and two new nominees were sent to the block.
For this weeks HoH competition, players had to grab balls whilst they slide down to take shots. The houseguest with the most points at the end of the hour would become the new Head of Household.
Dan ultimately secures the most points and becomes the new HoH. The final 3 players were Dan, Ty and Roberto.
Dan later has a big decision to make as to who to nominate for eviction. Zach meanwhile tries to convince Dan to take Rob out of the house this week.
Ultimately however at the nominations ceremony he nominates Hope and Renee for eviction.
Who will win the Power of Veto and will it be used to save either Hope or Renee? Find out Wednesday on Big Brother Canada.