Spicy V becomes the new Head of Household, but who does she nominate?

Big Brother Canada named the second Head of Household of the season last night!
For this weeks HoH competition, the houseguests had to take sips of water from a container and then spitting it into the tube of a player they would like to eliminate from the competition.
The girls target the boys at first, with Dinis, Todd, Vivek and Elijah eliminated first. Matt becomes the last man standing.
Ultimately however it is Spicy V (Victoria) who wins the Head of Household competition.
Ahead of the nomination ceremony, Spicy makes it clear that her target this week is Vivek.
At the nominations ceremony, Spicy nominates Elijah alongside Vivek. Who will win the Power of Veto and will it be used to save either Vivek or Elijah? Find out Wednesday on Big Brother Canada.