Sharry Ash evicted from Big Brother Canada, Loveita wins HoH for a second time

In an intense week in the BBCAN GRAND, Sharry Ash from Toronto was evicted in tonight’s episode of Big Brother Canada. With Sharry and her closest ally Loveita up for eviction, both originally agreed to use this week’s result as motivation to make it all the way to the end. That is, until the veto wasn’t used leaving them both to campaign against each other to stay in the house. After a week of indecision from their fellow houseguests, Sharry was sent packing in a landslide 11 – 1 vote.
“In the moment I was shocked, but at the same time I was flattered that the whole house was afraid of my game,” said Sharry Ash. “It was definitely tricky [being up against Loveita] because we built a friendship in the house, but I always had my game in mind and that’s all that mattered.”
It was a jam-packed second week in the Big Brother Canada house, with Loveita winning HOH for the second time; best friends pitted against each other; Tim taking on an unofficial Big Brother mentor role with the otherhouseguests; a classic Nikki Grahame diary room meltdown that can be viewed on; and of course, showmance developments! Nick and Maddy continue to grow closer, to Phil’s disgust, and there’s a hint of trouble in paradise with power couple Kelsey and Jared with Kelsey admitting she’s started to feel tied down.
To find out how the houseguests respond to Loveita’s HOH win and to see if she nominates Kelsey and Jared for eviction, watch the next episode of Big Brother Canada on Sunday at 7pm ET/PT on Global.