New look Big Brother Canada house teased

Just weeks ahead of the launch of the new series of Big Brother Canada, we’ve been given our first look at the house in new pictures unvieled today by the official website.
First up, the backyard has been given a makover with a new marble effect flooring and comic style sunrise mural adorning the walls
Upstairs, now features a skysline style wallpaper and colourful railing
Next up, the kitchen featuring some abstract art…
The colour continues in the hot tub area, with some large pencils for good measure!
The new HoH room looks… chilly!
The skyline theme continues, not to mention the brand new diary room chair
The all seeing eye of Big Brother is never far from view, and here there is a chalk eye design in the hall leading to the diary room.
Finally for now, the bathroom features a new modern purple look!
Of course, there is still much more to see – and you can guarentee as soon as the cat is out of the bag, we’ll have all the details here at Big Blagger!