New HoH takes power and 2 more houseguests on the block

Another week, means another HoH in the BBCAN studios.This week’s HoH comp took place in the BBCAN Diner with houseguests battling it out to see who would take their place as the new HoH. One by one, houseugests had 30 seconds to set their highest possible score by sliding 3 milkshakes along a table with scoring zones numbered 1-15. The scores for each houseguest were as follows:
Anthony – 19
Avery – 36
Bayleigh – 33
Tola – 21
Victoria – 15
Kayla – 22
Matt – 11
Lexus – 23
Todd – 29
With the highest score of 39, Avery became the new Head of Household.
At the nomination ceremony, Avery chose to nominate Elijah and Tola for eviction.
Who will win the PoV and will it be used to save either Elijah or Tola from eviction? Tune in to Big Brother Canada on Global and stick with Big Blagger for the latest.