New HoH takes charge as 2 more houseguests hit the block

Following Santina’s exit as part of the ‘Fatal Feast’ eviction twist, the power was back up for grabs. Houseguests competed in the poisoned shot comp. One by one, houseguests each took shots, one of which was ‘poisoned’. The houseguests then had to name who got the poisoned shot, based on their reaction. Get it right, and the houseguest who drank the shot is eliminated. If no one guesses correctly, then the houseguest who drank the shot gets to choose someone to eliminate. The comp went as follows:
Round 1- Hope is eliminated by Claudia who guesses correctly that he had the poisoned drink.
Round 2- Anika is eliminated after several houseguests correctly guess her as the poison drinker.
Round 3- Ty is eliminated by Claudia who decided to continually pick him until he is eliminated.
Round 4- Renee is eliminated after several houseguests correctly guess her as the poison drinker.
Round 5- Shanaya choses to eliminate Daniel after no one correctly guessed that she was the poison drinker.
With just Shanaya and Claudia remaining, it went to a tie breaker question. They had to guess the number of balls landed in one of the HOH comps. Claudia guessed 613 with the correct answer being revealed as 615 and therefore Claudia was crowned as the new HoH.
At the nomination ceremony, Claudia chose to nominate Hope and Ty, stating that she wanted a big move to add to her resume.
The action wasn’t over yet following Tuesday’s additional eviction episode. Anika, Shanaya and Renee were chosen to play alongside Ty and Hope in the PoV comp which saw each competing houseguest manoeuvre 9 balls on posts using only ropes. After a slow start Ty, Hope and Anika find their rhythm and it’s neck and neck between the 3 of them. Ty just beats Hope to secure the win.
The episoded ended before the PoV ceremony so we’ll have to wait to see if Ty will use the veto but it is a bit of a foregone conclusion at this point.
Will Ty use the veto to save himself and if so, who will be nominated as his replacement? And who will be the next houseguest to join the jury? Tune in to Global and stick with Big Blagger for the latest.