New HoH crowned as we head towards finale

 New HoH crowned as we head towards finale

With just weeks left in the game, it was time to crown a new HoH following Kayla’s eviction.

With outgoing Head of Household, Avery is ineligible to compete and BBCAN vets Victoria and Anthony likley to throw the comp, the power was there for the taking for one of the remaining houseguests.

In this HoH comp, houseguests had to balance a ball using cables attached to their hips. The first three to lose their balls became Have Nots for the week. The person to last the longest with their ball would become the new Head of Household. Victoria drops first in an attempt to avoid appearing as a physical threat.

Bayleigh drops next, whilst Anthony drops third but as he has the slop pass, it means only Bayleigh and Victoria are on slop this week. Lexus is next to fall. Todd suggests a deal with Tola, before ultimately deciding to play on to try and bolster his comp CV.

As the last 2 remaining housegest, Todd and Tola are given a harder ball to balance. Todd loses the balance of his ball.

Tola becomes the Head of Household. 

Who will Tola nominate for eviction and how will the PoV comp affect the game? Tune in to Big Brother Canada on Global and stick with Big Blagger to find out!

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