From Pawn to HoH… Who does Goose nominate?

Following Dinis’ eviction from the Big Brother Canada house last week, we got to watch the latest Head of Housemate competition of the season unfold live, which ultimately ended with Pawn Star Elijah crowned the new HoH.
Goose says that he hopes his alliance will be good to him – something he says they must do if they don’t want him to go rogue this week – Anthony says that he’s confident he will be safe.
Goose wants to make a big move this week, but doesn’t feel that the time is right to target Lexie or Matt or says he will go after either Tola, Vivek, Todd or Bayleigh instead.
Ahead of the nominations ceremony, Goose tells Tola that he has a plan to backdoor Bayleigh by putting two strong competitors on the block, namely Todd and Tola.
Meanwhile Goose also feeds the same plan to Todd, but refrains from mentioning Bayleigh’s name.
At the nominations ceremony, Goose goes ahead and puts both Tola and Todd on the chopping block.
Who will win the Power of Veto? Find out Tuesday on Global.