Explosive drama as another houseguest leaves the manor

Last night’s Big Brother Canada was an episode like none other we’ve ever seen below. After Kuzie set her plan in motion to backdoor Zach, tensions were running hight in the BBCAN manor.
Following the veto meeting, Dan S, Zach and Ty were discussing how they could get rid of Hope in the pantry, at which point they revealed Hope had cheated by smuggling in a note from the outside. He was then called to the diary room by Big Brother to explain his comments. Pressed for more information, he initially declined to comment before revealing that Hope had smuggled in a letter from his girlfriend which he had read. Asked why he didn’t speak to Big Brother earlier he did not notify them earlier as he wanted to give Hope the benefit of the doubt and felt like he needed that little home comfort, however he was discussing it now as he felt that Hope had been acting and that his true colours were starting to show.
Following a confrontation with Zach and Ty, Hope was called to the diary room where producer Erin Brock asked Hope to bring the letter which was delivered in clothing that arrived in the house after the show began, to the diary room. She asked him to leave it on the diary room chair. Hope went to the bedroom and was explaining the situation to other houseguests when the voice of Big Brother warned him to stop talking about production.
Meanwhile, Zach, Ty and Dan S are shown bragging to various other houseguests that Hope is a cheater and is going to get kicked out.
Later, the houseguests were gathered on the sofa and Arisa appeared on screen to explain what had happened. After filling in all the houseguests, Aris tells Hope he will be unable to vote in this weeks eviction or participate in the upcoming HoH comp as punishment for his rule breaking. All other houseguests received a letter from home which they are allowed to keep for a week in compensation.
Following an earlier conversation where Zach said he would walk if Hope wasn’t removed for breaking the rules, Zach discusses walking with Ty in the pantry.
In a last ditch attempt to stay in the game, Zach campaigns to Shanaya and Claudia and pitches the idea of them working together as a group along with Ty and Dan S.
Zach decides to leave, encouraging Ty to do the same. Ultimately, Ty decided to remain in the game.
Finally, host Arisa Cox informed the houseguests that there would be no vote and eviction as a result of Zach choosing to self evict.
This week is whodunit week in the BBCAN manor, where everything will be done anonymously. Stick with Big Blagger for the latest!