Did the Veto King win another PoV?

Big Brother Canada continued on Global Wednesday night, with the Power of Veto competition – but who came out victorious?
The episode picks up immediately after this weeks nominations ceremony, which saw this weeks HoH Anika nominate Renee and Claudia for eviction.
The episode mainly centred on Ty’s relationships in the house, with him forming bonds with both sides of the house as we edge ever closer to the final next week.
Ty, alongside Anika and Daniel decide to give their alliance a name:- The Agency.

It was yet another sponsored competition for this weeks PoV – this time by Shark.
The houseguests has to memorise a list of items which then needed to be vacuumed up. In order to do this, the players had to climb into a giant hamster wheel and roll it down the backyard to pick up the puzzle pieces. They had to pick up the pieces in the right order – for every piece picked up in the wrong order a 2 minute time penalty would be added.
Once all puzzle pieces had been collected they then had to assemble them into the picture of a vacuum – the player to assemble the puzzle the fastest would win the Veto and $5,000.
As there are only 5 players remaining in the game, Anika was allowed to play despite being this weeks HoH.
The players finished their puzzles in the following order:-
Anika is allowed to play, despite being the HOH, because there are only five people left. The winner also receives $5,000.
5 – Anika
4 – Claudia
3- Renee
2 – Daniel
1 – Ty
Ty won the veto with a time of 13:42 which was around 4 minutes faster than second place Daniel.
Daniel knows that if Ty uses the Veto then he will be named as replacement nominee by default so wants Anika to tell Ty that if she will change the target to prevent her from using it.
At the Power of Veto ceremony, Ty uses the veto to remove Claudia from the chopping block and as a result Daniel was nominated in her place.
Who will be evicted? Find out Thursday night on Global.