Dallas Cormier evicted from the Big Brother Canada house

Last night, Dallas Cormier from Saint John, NB was voted out of the Big Brother Canada house in a 5 – 3 vote in the tensest week yet. At the beginning of the week, Head of Household Tim put up Dallas and Ramsey for eviction based on his Australian gummy koala bear system. But when Ramsey won the Power of Veto, he took himself off the block and Tim was forced to replace him with Maddy. Once strong allies, Dallas and Maddy, both campaigned hard to stay another week, but Dallas eventually got the boot.
“I am a little surprised,“ said Dallas Cormier. “I thought I had a solid core of votes to go with me and then Tim said he was going to give the nod to stay an extra week, but it’s the way it goes. There’s so much whispering and so much conniving, you just don’t know until you see Arisa on the screen and she gives you the votes. When she said it was 3 – 5, I knew it was goodbye Dally.”
Back in the Secret Suite, Kelsey and Loveita buried the hatchet and spent the week discussing strategy, planning their next moves, and dishing all their intel on the remaining houseguests. They were able to take part in controlling a house task with the help of Big Brother Canada fan-favourite Emmett Blois (BBCAN1), resulting in some houseguests having to clean up a very, very big mess. Host Arisa Cox then broke the big news to the house – they must choose to bring back Kelsey or Loveita, but their decision must be unanimous. With both women considered intensely polarizing figures, their fate now hangs in the balance until the entire house can agree.
To find out if the houseguests welcome back Kelsey or Loveita into the BBCAN GRAND, don’t miss Sunday’s episode of Big Brother Canada at 7pm ET/PT on Global.