Big Brother Canada Season 12 gains first jury member

Its the beginning of the end for the latest season of Big Brother Canada as last night’s movie night massacre conclusion saw another houseguest leave the house, this time – headed for the jury house.
Sadly, The Goose couldn’t escape the carnage of Big Brother Canada’s first ever Movie Night Massacre when the game went haywire inside the BBCAN Studios, and Elijah was eliminated, becoming this season’s first jury member.
During Sunday night’s episode, Host Arisa Cox informed the houseguests that their survival in the game was at risk. Vying for the role of director of the Movie Night Massacre, the houseguests competed in a safety competition, which granted the winner, Bayleigh, her safety. Then chaos ensued as each houseguest went one-by-one in the order they finished in the competition, to secretly make their casting choice on the Movie Night Massacre poster. Director Bayleigh determined the first role, while the other houseguests followed, each strategising to cast each other in roles that come with both power and peril in hopes of furthering their own game. Arisa then revealed the cast for the Movie Night Massacre, noting supporting roles of safety to Bayleigh, no eviction vote to Elijah, a season slop pass to Anthony, and the starring role of HOH to Victoria. Arisa then moved along to the dreaded roles of nominees up for eviction, announcing Avery and Kayla.
The final three parts in the Movie Night Massacre of POV players went to Tola, Todd and Lexus. With the cast set, the houseguests moved on to the next scene – the POV competition. Kayla took centre stage and won the Movie Night Massacre Power of Veto, taking herself off the block. HOH Spicy Vee then stole the spotlight and named Goose as the replacement nominee. Goose campaigned as much as he could, but his flock ultimately decided it was his time to fly out of the BBCAN Studios, evicting him in a unanimous vote, making Elijah the first jury member of Season 12.

Speaking to Arisa following his eviction, Elijah said:
“I’ve seen every episode and this was a dream of mine too, and I’m so glad I got to live it.”
Who will rise to power and become the next Head of Household? Tune into Big Brother Canada on Global and stick with Big Blagger to find out!