Big Brother Canada: Mitch Moffit is the latest houseguest to be evicted

In the most intensely combative week so far, Mitch Moffit from Guelph, Ontario was the first houseguest sent to the Big Brother Canada jury house. The tables were turned this week in the BBCAN GRAND, when Kelsey reentered the house with the knowledge that Mitch had been teaming up with different groups of houseguests. Once his strategy was revealed, Raul – this week’s HOH and Mitch’s best friend – took the news personally, and vowed to remove him from the house. In a 5 – 3 vote, his plan worked and the three-headed monster – Jared, Kelsey, and Raul – remained in control.
This week, it was the “Mitch Mastermind” show. After he was forced to defend himself with the other houseguests, he had a close, but failed attempt at the Power of Veto, which Jared won. While Jared tried to convince Raul to backdoor the brothers, Nick and Phil, Raul was dead set with keeping Joel and Mitch on the block, convinced that if Mitch stayed, it would be detrimental for his game. Jared respected his wishes and in the most aggressive move this season, Mitch gave one of the most hostile eviction speeches of all-time, vowing to either work with the trio or completely removing them from the house if they forced his hand.
“[My speech] was meant to be offensive to the group in there,” said Mitch Moffit. “I had to create the image that I was done with that threesome and they had to truly dislike me in order to give the image that I was ready to go after them. That was the only move I had left after I knew I couldn’t rekindle my relationship with them. If that scared them a little too much, maybe that was my downfall.”
In a final attempt to win over the houseguests, Mitch managed to gather the entire house – without Jared, Raul, Kelsey, or Joel! – in order to present a completely made-up math lesson about the probability of a win, with and without him in the game. He also skillfully backed Kelsey into a corner as she tangled herself in a web of lies, exposing a partnership with Maddy and Ramsey in front of the entire house. But in the end, it wasn’t enough to solidify Mitch’s place in the BBCAN GRAND for another week.
To find out who wins the next HOH title, catch Sunday’s episode of Big Brother Canada at 7 pm ET/PT on Global. And don’t miss as the next wildcard from Big Brother Canada is dealt on Wednesday’s episode at 9 pm ET/PT on Global.