Big Brother Canada: Raul checks out of the BBCAN Grand

Last night, Raul Manriquez from Calgary, Alberta was evicted from the Big Brother Canada house in a 6 – 1 vote, finally making the trio, a duo. It’s been a tough week for the “third wheel” alliance with Jared and Kelsey nominated for eviction. Beyond two members of the trio being on the block, Kelsey kissed Nick in a house game of Spin the Bottle, causing a rift between her and Jared.
In the POV competition, Kelsey and Raul helped Jared win the veto, which he used on himself. Sticking with her mission to chop a head off the so-called three-headed monster, Head of Household Maddy made Raul his replacement. This forced Raul to break free of the alliance in order to fight for his life, infuriating Jared. Raul now joins Mitch in the Big Brother Canada jury house.
“I hope they [third wheel alliance] make Papa proud!” said Raul Manriquez. “I am hoping, even though I did throw them under the bus, that they’re strong enough and if they make it, they’ll have my vote.”
Canadians were dealt the latest Big Brother Canada wildcard when they were given the opportunity to vote for two possible candidates for the next HOH. The two houseguests who received the most votes from fans – Nikki and the brothers, Nick and Phil, competed in a game of Big Brother Roulette where the remaining houseguests decided, by chance, who would rule the house for the next week. In the end, the brothers’ were victorious and Nikki was very disappointed.
Viewers can find out who the brothers nominate for eviction on Sunday’s episode of Big Brother Canada at 7 pm ET/PT on Global.