Another one bites the dust as we head into the final week of BBCAN11

The Big Brother Canada Season 11 jury has gained it newest member as another houseguests got the chop.
After last weeks wild double eviction that exposed both sides of the Big Brother Canada Manor, the remaining houseguests jumped right back into competition mode.
Following Wednesday’s Veto episode which saw Veto King Ty secure his fifth consecutive Power of Veto win, Anika was forced to name her ally, Toronto’s Daniel Clarke, as the replacement nominee after Ty chose to save his showmance, Claudia. However, it was Renee who was ultimately evicted from the BBCAN Manor by a vote of 2 to 1, sending her to jury as the seventh member.
Speaking to host Arisa Cox following her eviction, Renee said:
“In this game, I found that when I put my loyalty a lot into the alliances I was working with, and I had one main one, the Girlie Pops, I always found that there were points in the game that I was left out of, and things that I did see, but didn’t want to see.”

The episode concluded with the beginning of Head of House competition, “Days’d and Confused.”
Who will win the ultimate power as we head in to the final week of Season 11 at full speed? Tune in on Tuesday at 7 p.m. ET to see which houseguest outsmarts their competition becoming the HOH. Then watch Wednesday at 9 p.m. ET/PT for the special eviction, leading into the two-hour finale Thursday at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Global and STACKTV where the winner of Season 11 will be crowned.
And as always, stick with Big Blagger for the latest.