Will the women tip the balance of power in the house?

Big Brother Canada continued on Global last night with the latest Power of Veto competition of the season.
The episode opened following the conclusion of the nominations ceremony which saw Santina and Vanessa on the block. Santina accuses Kuzie of doing exactly what Zach did during her first week as HoH – controlling the game and influencing her decisions.
The houseguests are then later told that Vanessa has left the house and is now out of the game. As a result, Kuzie must name a replacement nominee. She speaks to Hope to ask him if he would be her nominee whilst also telling him that if Santina comes down following the Veto ceremony then it would be Zach going on the block as a replacement.
Kuzie goes through with her plan and nominates Hope for eviction.
For this weeks PoV competition the players had to get 20 balls into a Brita basket and then fill a jug with water- Zach throws the competition thinking that he is safe for the week.
Hope becomes victorious and wins the Veto and $5,000.
Kuzie later tells Ty that she plans to nominate either Dan or Zach which leads to a bit of a confrontation. He tells Zach of the plan and they also then ask Hope to not save himself during the Veto ceremony. Ty and Zach later discuss trying to get Hope disqualified from the game.
At the Veto ceremony Hope uses the Veto to save himself. As a result, Kuzie nominates Zach as a replacement nominee.
Who will be evicted from the Big Brother Canada house? Find out Thursday on Global.