Second houseguest sent packing in Big Brother Canada eviction

Courtesy of Global Television
Big Brother Canada lost it’s second houseguest last night on Global.
This season’s unprecedented second backdoor in a row floored the #BBCAN Manor, sending Toronto’s Roberto “Rob” Lopez out of the game.
Avoiding elimination the previous week, Dan climbed his way from the block to the top, winning Head of Household and gaining all the power for the week. With Hope and Renee up for eviction, the influence secretly laid in “CEO Bro” Zach Neilson’s hands after getting in HOH Dan’s ear and winning the POV competition.
Alliances were exposed when Zach removed Hope from the block and DJ Dan turned up the volume, naming Rob as the replacement nominee. Ultimately, Rob was unable to lift enough weight and sway the house votes to avoid a backdoor, sending the gym manager home by a vote of 7 to 4.
“I don’t think it was me versus Renee at this point in the game,” said Rob. “I think that Renee’s side stood for a lot of things and it stood for the people who didn’t backdoor me or backstab me, and what I was trying to do was try to make people wake up to the fact there is someone in there influencing them… I think the ringleader in all of this is Zach.”
From having no power to all the power in the BBCAN Manor, HOH DJ Dan was ready to get the party started and make a big game move. Hope offered himself as a nominee in order to showcase his strength to Canada, which made nominations easier for Dan, while Renee spent back-to-back weeks on the block. Not bristling under pressure in the “Philips Sonicare” POV competition, Zach came out sparkling, winning $5,000, and continued covertly putting his backdoor plan in motion on his fellow bro, social and physical threat, Rob. Zach, the self-proclaimed man of influence, used his POV win to take Hope off the block, with Dan following the business plan and putting Rob up as the replacement nominee. Both noms campaigned hard, leaving the houseguests torn, but in the end, Rob became the second houseguest evicted this season.

Canada now has the opportunity to guarantee one more houseguest’s safety this week with the belairdirect Eviction Protection Insurance vote where one lucky houseguest is granted safety from next week’s eviction. Voting is now open until Friday, March 24 at 4 p.m. ET at