Big Brother Canada kicks off with a twist

Big Brother Canada started off with a bang tonight when Host Arisa Cox revealed that two of the houseguests must act as one team throughout the season.
Ottawa’s Philippe Paquette who entered first was surprised to learn that his younger brother Nicholas would also be in the Big Brother Canada house. Having not been previously announced, the addition of Nicholas was a surprise to his brother, the other houseguests, and the audience. However, it was later revealed that the brothers must play as one houseguest – only getting one vote – and if they win, they must split the grand prize. Only one brother will be able to compete in house competitions, and they must decide together who they will nominate for eviction. See below for more about Nicholas Paquette, the newest houseguest joining #BBCAN4, and catch all the action on the first eviction episode, Thursday at 8 pm ET/PT.
Also, on the eviction episode, the houseguests will be joined by two international wildcard players voted in by Canadians – a Big Brother franchise world-first. Fans can still have their say until Thursday at 3 pm ET by casting their vote now on The international wildcard choices are: Jase Wirey (Big Brother US), Nikki Grahame (Big Brother UK), Tim Dormer (Big Brother Australia), and Veronica Graf (Big Brother Italy).
Big Brother Canada continues Thursday at 8pm ET/PT on Global.